Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I have an 18 month old!

I can't believe Daxton is already 18 months and on the way to being a big brother! He still seems so little to me! Well, he is still really little I guess. We love this little man SOOOO much. He fills our home with such a happy little noise, and MESS. He is talking up a storm and so curious about life. I love to watch him learn and grow and can't believe how smart (and manipulative) he is already.

Here is is right after his first day of Nursery at chuch which was kind of a FLOP!!!! I thought that he would do so great because he is little Mr. Independent, but I was so wrong. He was really tired and hungry and if you look at his forehead you can see his church battlewounds which didn't help. Maybe next time..... I am keeping my fingers crosssed tightly!

Um, cute? Yes, I think so.

He seems to get really obsessed with certain things, like: watermelon, Elmo, tractors, cars, animals, shoes, dogs, etc. And he talks about them ALL DAY LONG. In fact the first time he wore the Elmo jammies (below) he couln't sleep because he was too excited about them. He can eat so much watermelon that I am kinda shocked his skin isn't a weird shade of pink. Tractors and cars are his absolute favorite thing. When he goes to his toy box he finds every single one, lines them all up, and plays with them all day. Such a boy.

Love you little man.... you are kind of our favorite.

(For personal records)

Height- 31 inches (41%)

Weight- 21.6 lbs (5%)


Anonymous said...

Oh, my!!!!! He is the most adorable little boy EVER! I love his mohawk! He looks like Cole sometimes when he was little... and he was the cutest kid ever, don't you think? I miss Daxton so much and I can't wait to see him!

Ashley and Dave said...

Addi lovessssss watermelon too- like her favorite food ever! Maybe that and pop ice popsicles. she loves those too. She is talking a lot- she says mama and ball. Oh wait, that is it. hahaaa. Everything else is "da" or a grunt noise. nice.
Dax is pretty darn cute. That is crazy that you will have another kid this time next month. SO weird. Speaking of that I should probably put your package in the mail this week...or next:)
Miss you

Lauren said...

He is my favorite too. Love him.