ANYWAY!!! For journaling purposes, here are some things that he has been up to this past little while. Like i said, he is a rolly polly. He is also already starting to pull his knees up to his chest while on his belly and kinda scoot. He doens't do it on purpose, but soon he will figure out it can get him somewhere. He is eating solids twice a day now and LOVES it. He hasn't disliked anything that i have given him and actually prefers veggies! Suprise, suprise! He is also learning to blow the food out of his mouth which is really lovely. Ummm, he is doing really well sitting up and will have it down in no time! I know, he is getting so big! He is super ticklish. He giggles so hard when you get him right in the thighs or right above the bunsies. He is such a happy little man and is loving "talking" lately. We have to take him out at church a lot, but not because he is crying or cranky, but because is is squaking and making loud raspberries on his hands!
Sitting! I'm such a proud mama!
My first Mother's Day... which was slept being sicky (previous post). Daxton gave me a blender so i could try making his food from scratch! It was actually really easy and it's nice to know my little one is eating something that i made and i know what i put it in. Plus, it saves money which is always nice.
We have also been slaving in our backyard this year! Well, Landon mostly. Shout out to him! He has been working so hard and doing such a great job. We also have great neighbors help out too, we seroiusly couldn't have moved into a better neighborhood... well except the neighbors (all of them) with dogs that bark all the bloody time. :) Anyway, we can't wait until it is done and we can enjoy time out there on the deck or at the fire pit. Wanna come and visit??? The Sherwood Inn is vacant for a lot of the summer!
Dana he is so stinkin cute! What a smiley, happy guy he seems to be! It is sad watching them grow so fast, but also so exciting getting to experience all of their "firsts."
our neighbors all have dogs that bark all night, every night, so I feel your pain!
cute little guy :)
AHHH! Thank you for the update! I LOVVVVVVVVVVVVVVE him! He really is getting so big and I am missing everything. He is already a different kid than when I left! Good for him, bad for me! I love his big smile! Oh, squeeze him for me? Do you have skype? We should skype so I can see him for real.
I also love your backyard! It is looking so good! Great job Landon!
I sure love that little bugger! I'm so glad we got some squeeze time today!
I sure love that little bugger! I'm so glad we got some squeeze time today!
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