Sunday, June 1, 2008

Mrs. Edward Cullen

Oh the joys of living in Utah. I admit I have given in and read the twilight books and TOTALLY loved them, but just so everybody know... they ARE NOT real! :) I was driving home from work the other day when i see a car with a huge decal that says MRS. EDWARD CULLEN on the back window. Funny thing was... it was a man driving the car.


(me)linda said...

Bah ha ha ha! I'm sure that dude loves having that sticker on his car. Let's just hope it wasn't his idea.

I missed ya last weekend too. Stinky! I knew I should have called again. I hear you and Lauren are going to be in Twin on your birthday. Maybe you two need to come shop in Boise and stop in to see me. I shall do my best to have a baby by then. :) We will have to find a time to hang out later this summer though. I can't believe we let that opportunity one slip by!! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

That is halarious! It is such a Utah thing! But, I am sure there are others just as obsessed! Isn't it funny that it was a lady's car? I thought only teenagers got that obsessed with Edward!

Ashley and Dave said...

That was my car.